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Riveting Insights On How To Write A Resignation Letter

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how to write a resignation letter
 John Millar   Published On Mar 04, 2020 | Updated on Dec 28, 2023  Writing Service

They say, in order to get somewhere in life, you must move on at the right time. But as you step into the professional sphere, you'll discover that putting down the resignation at your workplace is never easy. However, it’s also true that a respectful resignation letter can bring a world of difference between an awkward goodbye, and a chance of nurturing a long-term professional connection. In this case, you need to master how to write a resignation letter flawlessly.

A basic resignation letter allows you to officially announce your termination at an organization, and also imparts other important information, like your last day and other details about your departure.

Presenting a powerful resignation letter allows you to ensure a positive conversation with your superiors and a smooth transition to your next career endeavors. Let’s ponder over some more insights.

How To Write A Resignation Letter For Work

If you need more clarity on how to write a resignation letter for a job, you can consider the ideas discussed below.

  • Start with a formal and yet friendly tone

This requires a subtle balance. In this case, your objective should be to keep things amicable while maintaining your professionalism. You should begin your letter by addressing "Dear" followed by your boss's last name.

You can say something like, "Dear Mr. Newman," before you begin with the basic information of resignation letter. You can also start with the “Dear” followed by the first name of your in case you’ve had a great professional relationship with your boss.

  • Identify yourself clearly

Start by mentioning your position in the company. This might seem superfluous if you work at a small organization and your boss knows you well, but since the letter is your official termination, it’s vital to include it. After you identify yourself, quickly follow up with a simple statement of why you are choosing to resign.

Also, writing an end date in the first body paragraph is a good idea, considering that’s one of the first questions your employer is going to ask you. This is a step you should keep in mind when you’re gaining an idea about how to write a formal letter of resignation.

  • Emphasize the positives

While writing the professional resignation letter, you can emphasize how you’ve grown, or what you’ve appreciated the most about your time at the company. Make it as specific as possible. It’s always nice for your employers to receive a thank you for the time and resources they’ve used to contribute your career progress.

If you want, you can include what you’re going to do next. For example, if you’re going to graduate school, or if you’re switching industries to pursue a passion, such information may be appropriate to add.

  • Make sure you provide proper notice

It’s basic courtesy to give your employer a significant amount of time to look for a replacement of your position. If your work is complicated, your superiors may require time for you to train your replacement.

Many experts suggest using the given vacation time of how many weeks' notice you should give. For instance, if you have three weeks of vacation, you provide at least three weeks' notice, if you want to be polite. You should mention your last workday right after you've elaborated on your intentions to resign.

  • Mention you're willing to assist during the transition

You may be in a position for which finding a replacement is difficult. In such cases, you can make it clear that you're happy to help with the training process if someone else is hired in your place or to smoothly pass on your duties.

If you genuinely care about the company and know that you have big shoes to fill, you can mention in the resignation letter that you're willing to assist during in the interim.

Here’s how to include this part in the resignation letter, for example.

"I would be more than willing to help with the transition of my responsibilities so that the company continues to operate smoothly after my tenure’s over."

  • Express your gratitude for the experience

While writing this part, highlight the positive memories of your job, instead of the negative ones. Mention how this job has positively affected your career and how it has or will allow you to move on to an even better position.

This will leave your superiors feeling like you've had a positive experience at the company. Here's how to convey this bit:

"I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation for all of the opportunities given to me and for all of the knowledge I have gathered at your company during my tenure."

Wind up your letter on a kind note

The way you conclude your letter depends on what you mentioned earlier. If you said you'd be willing to assist in training a new person for your position, you can convey, "You can get in touch with me any time”. This will indicate that you are sincere about the success of the company even after you leave.

Understand that you don't want to end on anything but a positive note that leaves your superiors feeling warm.

Well-Defined Resignation Letter Template

Now, if you are wondering what goes into a template for a resignation letter, then you can consider the one presented below.

Essentially, the template should consist of the following elements.

  • Your name
  • Your address (write the house and street number, and mention the city)
  • Contact information (phone number and email ID)
  • Salutation
  • First, second and third paragraph
  • Note of gratitude
  • Signature

Gather an understanding of writing resignation letters through this sample

Daniel Bovine

51/A, Bayard Street
Anytown, CA 12345
[email protected]

Feb 15, 2020

Joseph Hannigan
Senior Manager
Evolving Solutions, Inc.
71, Bridge Street
Infinity Towers, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Hannigan,

This is to inform you that I'm resigning from my position as Assistant Manager for Evolving Solutions, Inc. effective from February 15. 

I convey my deepest gratitude for the opportunity you’ve offered me to learn all about operations and management. I have truly enjoyed the time I’ve spent in the organization. I firmly believe the experience I’ve gathered here has taught much about the industry as well as how to effectively manage the subordinates.

Next month I will be assuming the role of a manager of a new telecom company. In the meantime, I would be willing to assist in the transition of a new Assistant Manager.


Daniel Bovine

Receive the best assistance on resignation letters from

If you don’t have enough clarity about how to write a well-written resignation letter and have been looking for some guidance, then help is right here with Our letter writing assistance will help you produce clear and concise resignation letters.

 Our experts are familiar with all the necessary steps that go into preparing an appropriate resignation letter. They will customize the resignation letter according to your specifications when you approach them. So, hiring us would be a wise option to consider.

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