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MLA Citation Generator

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MLA Referencing Generator


MLA Referencing Style

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MLA Citation/Referencing Generator

You have finished working on that overly tricky humanities paper and cannot wait to turn it in. You're drained to the bone scouring relevant information and structuring the paper. You simply want to get over the ordeal and cannot bring yourself to do anything else. But then you remember- what about citations? Did you completely forget to cite your paper and provide a list of references? It looks like only our reliable MLA citation generator can get you out of the fix.

It has now become incredibly easy to end all your citation dilemmas using the exceptional MLA citation generator of It's fine if you are having difficulty getting a solid grip on all the guidelines of MLA citation style generator. Opt for our free MLA citation generator tool to get your hands on a precise list of accurate in-text citations and references for all kinds of papers. Whether humanities, liberal arts, language arts, or cultural studies, our MLA citation style generator can take care of all the disciplines in the blink of an eye.

Try out our MLA citation maker today. You would never have to go through the drudgery of crafting an accurate list of references all by yourself ever again in life.

How to Cite Articles in MLA Format?

Articles are perhaps one of the most common kinds of papers you need to cite while writing a paper in MLA citation style. But, citing the articles accurately in MLA citation style is perhaps one of the few things you will learn in educational institutes worldwide. Thus, some of you may face trouble grasping the nitty-gritty of citing articles accurately.

That’s when our amazing online MLA referencing generator comes in handy.’s impeccably designed MLA style citation generator will help you generate accurate citations in the most seamless ways possible.

Have a look at the template format our eminent stalwarts have dished out that you must remember to cite articles accurately in MLA style citations-

Format of citing articles in a magazine:

Author (s). ‘Title of Article’. Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, pages.

Example- Buchman, Mike. “Education for The Specials.” Brilliant Housekeeping, Jul.2008, pp.140-145.

Format of citing journal article with one author:

Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article”. Journal Title, vol. #issue#, publication date, page number(s). Database Title, DOI (if available) or URL (without https://or Permalink. Access Date (supplemental)

Example- James, Richard C. “Educating A Piano User”. Journal of Music, vol. 104, no.2, 2018, pp.75-79. JSTOR, www. Accessed 20 July 2021.

Format of citing articles with multiple authors:

Author last name, First Name, and Author first name last name. “Article Title.” Journal Name,  vol., no. Issue, Month  Year, Page range. DOI or URL.

Example-  Henderson, James Paul, and Joe Richardson. “The Valley of Silicon.” History and Literature, vol. 37, no.2, April 2019, pp. 71-80.

The format to cite an article in MLA citation generator is quite easy to understand. But, if you still need assistance, our outstanding MLA citation generator will always be at your disposal. Our reliable tool is designed with an advanced algorithm in a way that can generate perfect citations immediately. Visit our website to know more.

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How to Cite Non-Print Material in MLA Referencing Style?

Your professors expect you to know how to cite every type of non-print material accurately as per the MLA style citations guidelines. Thus, we have designed our MLA style referencing generator based on standard university citation guidelines. No matter what kind of non-print material you aim to cite, our incredible MLA referencing style maker machine will certainly serve your purpose.

Here are crucial format templates you need to remember to cite any non-print material references in MLA style without any tool-

Painting, sculpture, or photograph:

Last name, first name of the artist, Title of the piece, Name of the owner/institution. Title of the book by first name, last name. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year, Page, Print.

Photograph of a painting or sculpture in a book:

Last Name, First name of the artist. Title of the Piece. Name of Owner/Institution. Title of Book. By First Name Last Name. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Page. Print.

Map or Chart:

Title. Map. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Print.

Title. Chart. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Print.

Lecture, Address, Speech, or Reading:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Speech, Lecture, Address, etc.” Title of Meeting. Sponsoring Organisation. Location, City. Date. Descriptive Label.

A Personal Interview:

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Personal Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Telephone Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Email Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Instant Messenger Interview. Date

Interview Published or on the TV, Radio, etc:

Last Name, First Name of The Person Interview. First Name Last Name of Interviewer (optional). “Title of Interview” or Interview. Title of  Source Date: Pages. Medium.

Whether you need to cite maps, charts, or a personal interview flawlessly in MLA citation style, you can now do it easily, thanks to the ease-of-use and seamless operation UI of our MLA citation generator tool. Just type in ‘I need to know how to cite non-print materials accurately in the MLA referencing style maker”. Forget all about your fears and uncertainty today.

How to Cite a TV Series in MLA Format?

It is impossible to know where to get the apt information for your papers. These sources are never restricted to books, articles, or journals. You can also get credible information while watching TV series. But, how to cite such sources without using any MLA referencing style generator?

A close glance at certain MLA referencing examples can undeniably be helpful, but it is also crucial to learn the format accurately. Let’s take a look at how you cite any TV series in MLA citation style:

TV Show Title. Created by Creator First Name Last Name, Production Company, Year-Year.

Stranger Things. The Duffer Brothers, 21 Laps Entertainment Monkey Massacre, 2016- Present.

While you can always find all essential support concerning MLA citation from our eminent team at, you can also use our online MLA referencing generator tool to get accurate citations in the blink of an eye. It has the answer to all your citation woes. Try out our MLA style referencing generator once, and you will understand how effective it is for creating citations.

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How to Cite Music in MLA Format?

Most students use song lyrics and lines to infuse creativity in their assignments. But, it is significant to acknowledge these sources accurately to refrain from the severe accusations of plagiarism. It is vital to know the correct way to cite these resources to score whopping grades on all your papers with ease.

Here's the format you should follow in citing music accurately in MLA citation style maker-

Composer Last Name, First Name. “Song title”. Album Name. Distributor, Year. Format.

Sheeran, Ed. “Perfect”. Divide. YouTube, 2017. Video Album.

While you can always opt for one-on-one live sessions from our eminent team at, you can also use our MLA citation maker tool to create perfect citations. The tool is compatible with all devices and browsers. Furthermore, as it is a cloud-based service, you will face no issue in using it remotely from any corner of the world at any time. Try it out once, and we guarantee you won't regret it.

How to Cite A Web Page in MLA Format?

Our online MLA referencing generator has been designed to ensure comprehensiveness on the go. So, if you feel that citing resources accurately, like a web page in MLA referencing style, is not one of your strong suits, then it is high time you try out MLA referencing tool.

Here’s the format our MLA referencing style machine uses to cite a web page perfectly-

Last Name. First Name of Author 1 and First Name Last Name of Author 2. “Title of the web page”. Title of the website, Publisher, Date Published in a Day, Month, Year, Format, URL.

Give the best MLA referencing tool a try now, and witness the magical difference in your grades immediately. Simply log in to today and stay away from all sorts of anxieties concerning your academic endears. Hurry up before it's too late.

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Most Popular Questions Asked By Students On MLA Citation

Q. What is our free MLA citation generator and in-text citation tool about?

Our free MLA citation and an in-text citation generator tool is a remarkable tool designed to create accurate citations in Modern Language Association citation format. It will take crucial information like document titles, names of the authors, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, and format as input. It then outputs fully formatted citations instantly that can be easily inserted as in-text references or into a Work Cited page of an MLA-compliant academic paper.

Q. Why use our MLA style citation maker?

Citation accurately in MLA style citation maker is not everyone's cup of tea. This is mainly why we have designed a reliable MLA citation maker, especially for you. Here are certain crucial reasons why you should start using the MLA style citation generator today-

  • It offers accurate citation instantly
  • Helps in saving precious time
  • Meet stringent deadlines
  • Helps to avoid severe plagiarism accusations
  • It comes completely free of cost
  • It helps in citing multiple resources at the same time.

Q. What is MLA citation?

MLA citation style is a citation method developed by the Modern Language Association. This referencing style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within liberal arts and humanities.

Q. How should I format my references in MLA style?

In MLA referencing style, the list of 'Works Cited' always appears at the end of the paper. It offers full details of every source you cited in an MLA citation. Here are the other crucial guidelines you need to follow to craft a flawless reference page in MLA style-

  • List citations by the first word of the citation alphabetically.
  • The references should be left-aligned and double-spaced with 1-inch margins.
  • Alphabetize the entries by the last name of the author
  • Use a hanging indent on entries that run over into additional lines
  • Incorporate a header with your last name and the page number in the top right of the corner

Q. How to cite a blog using MLA citation tool?

To cite a blog with the aid of the MLA citation generator of, it is essential to input crucial information like the author or screen name, title of the blog post, name of the blog, blog network/publisher if provided, date of the post, URL, and the day month or year of accessing. Click on the button 'Generate referencing'. Simply wait a few seconds, and accurate citations will be generated instantly.

Q. How to do MLA citation for court cases?

You can follow the below-listed template to cite court cases accurately in MLA citation style-

Court/Governing Body Name. Title of Case. Number of the Docket, Date of the Case. Publisher, URL (if applicable). Format.

Example- Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Joan v. Richardson. Docket no. 20-34567, 3 April 2020. The London Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, download.

Q. How to do MLA referencing for an edited book?

MLA requires that all vital sources cited are listed in a ‘Works Cited’ page at the end of the academic paper. When citing an edited book, the format to use is-

Editor surname,  Editor Forename, editor (s). Title. Publisher, Year Published.

Richardson, John M., et al., editors. An Educator’s Role In Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Realms of Classroom. Penguin,  2007.

Q. How to do MLA citation for magazines?

Regarding magazine citation, remember MLA citation generator is designed to be flexible. Here's the format you must follow in citing magazines in MLA style-

Last Name, First Name. ‘Article Title’. Name of the Magazine, Date of Publishing, pp. #-#

Jameson, Mike. “Rishi Sunak Inaugurated As the New Prime Minister of the UK”. Entrepreneurship, 30 January 2008, pp. 31-34.


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