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Why Proofreading is Important

7 Reasons why Proofreading is Important with Bonus Tips

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Why Proofreading is Important | How To Proofread Your Paper
 Jack Morgan   Published On Dec 09, 2019 | Updated on May 21, 2024  Assignment

We cannot deny that! Did you know that 31% of students miss the A grade by a sliver not because of a poorly-presented paper but for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in their writing?Although most students disregard the importance of proofreading, editing is the very essence of written assignments. Proofreading serves as the final review of your assignment before you submit it. When you edit your paper, you can ensure that the language and tone used is appropriate and that the message of the paper is clear. Accurate proofreading can help you avoid petty mistakes in your assignments, thus helping you score better grades.

But the primary reason why most students turn their papers with the mistakes in them is that they do not know how to proofread.

So what does proofreading mean? Here is everything that you need to know.

What is Proofreading?

As per proofreading’s definition, proofreading involves identifying and correcting inconsistencies in writing. Proofreading is an umbrella term and goes beyond grammar. It involves revising the written task and making sure that the style, flow and tone of the content is correct too. As the last step of the editing cycle, proofreading also involves crosschecking relevancy and authenticity of the data used in the assignment.

Below is a guide of the types of errors and areas that effective proofreading looks into:

  • Spelling Errors

With the advent of technology, most elaborate assignments are now written on Microsoft Word on the computer. This means that there are going to be typographical errors. Proofreading involves tracing words with missing letters, misspelt words, incorrect language conventions, etc.

  • Incorrect Vocabulary

You may get confused between two similar sounding words and end up using the wrong word. This can alter the entire meaning of a sentence in your assignment. At times, you may also use the wrong vocabulary that does not go with the context of a sentence. Proofreading takes care of such errors.

  • Grammatical Inconsistencies

Grammatical errors for incorrect usage of the tense and verb-subject agreement are the two of the weakest areas of students these days. Students also use a lot of redundant words and tautology while writing. Under proofreading, you should check such grammatical errors.

  • Missing Punctuations

The chapter of punctuation is never taught religiously in class. Most students learn it while reading texts. This is why they make mistakes while using commas, semi-colons and apostrophes. Proofreading also covers such areas to address ellipsis mistakes.

So the next time you are proofreading your assignment, make sure that you look for the above mistakes and rectify them.

What is the importance of Proofreading?

At times even a well-written assignment may have to face the brunt of poor grades just because of grammatical errors in the copy. This is why leaving enough time to proofread an assignment is essential before submitting the final draft.

Proofreading is to academic assignments what polishing is to woodworking - One tiny blemish can detract from the entire piece, thus causing the overall impression to suffer. It is quite like that OCD-hurting misplaced tile in the kitchen wall – the wall looks all fine, but still, something is amiss.

Moreover, mistakes in your academic submissions convey carelessness and ignorance. A piece that is full of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors will also be challenging to read, which is why teachers may lose patience and not even read the whole thing.

Moreover, errors in your submission also undermine the credibility of your assignment. Even if you have conducted extensive research, the mistakes will divert your teachers from the good points of your paper.

With careful proofreading, you can eliminate all such mistakes that prove to be detrimental to your grades. 

How to proofread your paper effectively?

Proofreading is a tricky task that calls for special skills and a firm hold on the language. Proofreading not only calls for an eye for detail and a systematic approach to consuming affair too.

If you are not accustomed to the process of proofreading, then here are some tactics that the best proofreaders use to check written assignments.  

  1. Let your assignment rest

If you start proofreading your assignment right after you have finished writing it, your eyes might miss some errors. This is because the content is still fresh in your mind, and this is why you overlook mistakes and read the correct version of it. So let your piece get cold before you proofread it. When you come back to it after some time, you will be able to spot errors better.

  1. Read the assignment aloud

At times, just going through the writing may not be enough. You may miss out errors that you have made. This is why editors or assignment makers from the best online proofreading services read aloud to hear how all the sentences sound when they are read. When you read out loud, your ear picks up the problems that your eyes may have missed.

  1. Avoid fluff

The second stage of proofreading is to ensure that all the words that you have written contribute to establishing the argument. In this stage, you need to check whether the phrases used are necessary or not and eliminate the needless fluff. You can also alter sentences to add more value to your assignment.

  1. Track your common errors

You are the best person who knows the kind of mistakes you repeat while writing verbose assignments. So keep a note of those errors that you are prone to make and review your work specifically for these mistakes. For example, if you tend to mix up between two conventions of English, check for inconsistencies with the Ctrl+F option.

  1. Use Online Resources

Technology has gifted us many things, and it would be a waste if we do not use them in the right places. There are several tools like Grammarly and Paperrater that will help you check your copy online. You can also switch on the editor and thesaurus on MS Word to avoid silly mistakes. You can also use plagiarism checker tools to prove that your assignment has no second copy and is original.

  1. Take help from the professionals

Since proofreading is a specialist skill, taking proofreading help from a professional can prove to be beneficial. Since academic editors from the best proofreading websites are trained to read and detect errors more efficiently, it becomes easier for them to spot mistakes in verbose texts.

Editing elaborate assignment papers can prove to be a tedious job. However, with all the proofreading help services available online and the tools at hand, submitting a paper that is entirely free of all errors won’t be an altogether difficult task. 

Editing is a long process that spreads out in many stages. So, it is suggested that you start early so that you do not have to rush. You can also take external assistance from online assignment experts for an unbiased opinion and an assured flawless paper.

Need proofreading help online?

The expert proofreaders at are here! 

If you want to make an impression with your assignment, then our team of editors and proofreaders can help you with pruned solutions. They deliver flawless papers that reflect your depth of knowledge and your hold over the language.

To make sure that students can afford our proofreading help services, provides services at the best prices in the market. Apart from all proofreading services, we also offer assignment writing services that can help you soar high with a good grade.

So, wait no more and get in touch with our customer support team and place your proofreading order to receive the perfect solutions.

For further queries, you can mail us or call us.

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