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Best Tips for Writing a University Assignment

10 Best Tips for Writing a University Assignment

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 Jack Morgan   Published On Aug 28, 2019 | Updated on Dec 28, 2023  Assignment

You may be used to having nightmares of deadlines, looking into a blank doc for hours, and a lot of stress just by hearing the word assignment. When you are entering the university, you can expect the number of assignments to increase. However, that does not mean you will face all the above-mentioned things more.

You can avoid the hassle by preparing yourself best for writing a university assignment. In this blog, you will find out some useful tips that will make academic writing assignments for your university very easy. 

Tip #1: Select an appropriate topic

You can only write a good assignment if you have a proper topic. Thus, you must give enough consideration while selecting the right topic. You should check for the following things:

  • The objective of your course and what you need to portray in your paper
  • The criteria for marking your assignment
  • Specific instructions provided in your main question like word count, etc.

This will help you to select an appropriate topic for your assignment. Again, you will be able to focus on exactly what you need to do in your paper. Are you wondering how will you find out the right topic for your assignment? Look for the following qualities:

  • It should be interesting enough for you
  • It should be related to your course
  • You should have adequate resources to write a stellar paper
  • It should also be relevant to the current time or developments in your subject 

Tip#2: Prepare a schedule and make a plan

Planning is essential to carry out any task successfully. Since one of the many concerns regarding assignment writing is related to the deadline, you must plan your time accurately. Always create a schedule and allot specific time for writing your university assignment. Other than this, you should also have a proper plan about how you will proceed with the assignment.

Always start early so that you have enough time in your hand to complete your university assignment. This way, you can also avoid any last minute rush and submit a high-quality paper.

Tip#3: Brainstorm the main topic

Before you begin with your research, you should brainstorm to get a better understanding of the topic. At first, figure out the main aspects of the topic and write down what you already know about the topic. Ask the essential 5W’s+ H questions: Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, How? This way, you will learn about your understanding and knowledge on the topic. Again, you will get a direction in which you will conduct your research.

Tip#4 Research as much as possible

To write a good assignment, you have to gather relevant and useful information. You have to carry out in-depth research on the topic to collect the data. To begin with, you have to develop some questions regarding the topic. These questions must help you to:

  • Examine how accurate your topic ideas are
  • Help you to find out the necessary data and evidence
  • Discover how various aspects of the topic connects with each other

Next, you must find out all the possible sources of information. This will include everything from your class notes, textbooks, course materials, to any online journal or other sources. However, you must evaluate the sources to check whether those are authentic or not. Use the questions you have prepared to do your research. You should also create the references for the sources to keep track of them. 

Tip#5: Become a critical reader

You can find out the best information from a source only if you read it critically. Here’s how can you critically read a text to have a better understanding:

  • Question every line you read
  • Do not consider whatever you read as the ultimate way to discuss an idea
  • Spot both the positive and negative sides of an argument
  • Develop your opinion about what you read
  • Analyse the content to identify the author’s purpose for writing it 

Tip#6: Take notes

Appropriate note taking will help you to include accurate information in your assignment. Here are some helpful ways you can take notes effectively:

  • Clear out why you are reading the text or source before taking notes. A clear purpose helps in better note taking
  • Always keep your notepad and pen ready while researching
  • Use your own words to take down notes so that you can clearly understand it the next time you read it
  • Don’t write everything that you read. Note down only the important points that are essential for your assignment
  • You can also use abbreviations to take notes but ensure you understand them later
  • Review the notes to make sure they are accurate 

Tip#7: Prepare an outline

A sure-shot way to write your assignments quickly and easily is by preparing an outline beforehand. This way, you will have a roadmap for writing your assignment. Again, you will have a clear idea about the information you need to include. Creating an outline is another way to give your assignment proper structure. Also, the data will be arranged in a logical manner.

Tip#8: Always create references for all the sources used

While writing your university assignment, don’t forget to create citations for all the sources. This will help you to avoid plagiarism and give proper credit to the author. You may have some confusion regarding the various uses of the different referencing styles. Hence, you must learn about them carefully. If you are in a hurry, you must take help from any senior, professor, or the reference generators. This way, you will save time and include accurate citations in your paper. 

Tip#9: Proofread and edit your copy before you submit

You may think that your assignment is perfect and you don’t have to check it anymore. But you must go through it carefully. Your teachers might have overlooked smaller mistakes in your school. However, it won’t be the case in your university. Hence, you must check your assignment thoroughly before submitting it. Look for any mistake you can find in the paper and identify the scope for improving it. 

Tip#10: Get help when necessary

Your professor will not mind if you take help from your friend unless you copy from him/her. If you ever feel stuck with your assignment, taking help from others will be a smart move. This way, your task will become easier to complete, and you won’t waste any time. You can take help from anyone, which may include your classmate, professor, family member, or an online service provider. 

The tips provided above will surely make writing your university assignments an easy and enjoyable task.

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