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A. The seven strong acids are Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acids, Sulfuric acid, Hydrobromic acid, Hydroiodic acid, Chloric acid and Perchloric acid.
The chemical formula of Hydrochloric acid is HCL (aq). There are various other names of he mentioned acid such as Muriatic acid, Spirits of Salt, Hydronium chloride or Chlorhydric Acid. The acid is colourless, has the tendency of fuming in air if concentrated and transparent liquid. The odor of the acid is seen to be of pungent characteristics and the acidity is -5.9 (HCL gas).
The chemical formula of Nitric acid is HNO3. Similar to Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid also has different names such as Aqua fortis, Spirit of niter, Eau forte, Hydrogen nitrate or Acidum nitricum. Along with that, the Nitric acid is colourless along with red or yellow fuming liquid. In addition to this, the odor of the acid is seen to be the acrid and suffocating. The value of acidity for the mentioned acid is -1.4. The molar mass of the acid is 63.012 g·mol−1 . The density of the acid is observed to be 1.51 g cm−3, 1.41 g cm−3 [68% w/w].
The chemical formula of Sulfuric acid is H2SO4. The acid has a different name in the form of Oil of vitriol. The appearance of the acid is clear and it appears as colourless liquid. Along with this the acid is observed to be odorless. The acidity value of the acid is seen to be -31.99. The molar mass of the acid is 98.079 g/mol. The density of the acid is observed to be 1.8302 g/cm3, liquid.
The chemical formula of the Hydrobromic acid is HBr(aq). The acid has another name in the form of Hydronium bromide. The appearance of the acid is observed to be colourless or in the form of faint yellow liquid. The odor of the acid is acrid. The acidity value of the mentioned acid is -9. The molar mass of the acid is 80.91 g·mol−1 . The density of the acid is observed to be 1.49 g/cm3 (48% w/w aq.).
The chemical formula of the Hydroiodic acid is HI(aq). The acid has only one different name which is Hydronium iodide. The appearance of the acid is seen to be in the form of colourless liquid. The odor of the acid is acrid. The molar mass of the acid is 127.91. The density of the acid is observed to be 1.70 g/mL, azeotrope (57% HI by weight).
The chemical formula of Chloric acid is HClO3. The mentioned acid is a colourless solution. The acidity value of the acid is approximately -1. The molar mass of the acid is 84.45914 g mol−1. The density of the acid is observed to be 1 g/mL, solution (approximate).
The chemical formula of Perchloric acid is HClO4. Along with Perchloric acid, the mentioned acid is also known as Hyperchloric acid. The mentioned acid is also a colourless liquid and has no odor. The acidity value of the mentioned acid is -15.2. The molar mass of the acid is 100.46 g/mol. The density of the acid is observed to be 1.768 g/cm3.
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