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Seminiferous tubule is found inside the male testes. These tubules are the location of the process of germination, from where the maturation tales place and the transportation of the very sperm cells that is contained by the male testes. These tubules are made with Sertoli cells which are columnar in nature while these are surrounded by certain spermatogenic cells that are located on the epithelial in the interior side and stem cells on the external side. With the procedure and the method of meiosis the process of spermatogenesis takes place. The entire process is generated within the tubules that exist in loop throughout the whole testes to a great length. There is a gap of probably a mile which exists between two testes. Now this part of even more than 200 segments is further divided into the tunica albuginea by fibrous septa.
In Biology, The division of cells is a continuing process where on the exterior part the stem cells of the tubules are divided and segmented through the process of mitosis. The division further leads to proceed inward which moves forward to gradually change on the wall which is in the interior side of the tubules. The whole process is responsible for raising the abundance of germinal sperm cells which is also known as spermatogonia. The cells are gradually arranged in a way so that they can flow steadily through the tubes. The process is continued for almost 60 days and sometimes more than that. The cells tend to flow towards the tubule which is located at the centre. The process takes place in the way that leads to the rete which has web like structure. This rete is situated at the upper back of the particular testes. Thereafter it passes through the efferent ductules that lead to the epididymis for the purpose of storage which eventually gets stored at the exterior wall of the testes. At the same time while the process is taking place, the sperm cells which are maturing along with time start receiving nutrients and collect raw materials from that of the vascular Sertoli cells. These cells are situated inside the tubule walls till the time they completely mature and transform into mature primary sperm cells. However it has to be understood that these cells are not entirely mature because the process of maturation is not completed and the process is left upon the seminiferous tubules. That leaves the chance and possibility of these cells to complete the process of maturation. Gradually the tails develop which helps in forming the motility.
Spermatogenic cells are located between Sertoli cells which are further divided through the process of meiosis into sperm cells. The function of the Sertoli cell is to nourish the sperm cells are which are gradually developing. Their job is to secrete androgen-binding protein. Now this protein functions as the element of increasing the concentration that brings testosterones together inside the tubules. They are also responsible for secreting anti-Mullerian hormone that ultimately is essential for regressing the female Mullerian ducts.
The tubules can be classified under two sections. The first one is convoluted and straight while the other one is convoluted but not really straight and it tends towards the lateral side and straight which bends medially for the formation of ducts and eventually exit the testes. Their formation takes place from the very primitive gonadal cords which again are shaped from the gonadal ridge.
Spermatogenesis is the process where spermatozoa take place. The entire process takes place in the tubules. When the entire process of spermatogenesis takes place the DNA that is contained within the spermatogenic cells which are protected inside the seminiferous tubules the DNA is exposed to the possibility of getting damaged. However the damage comes from these sources the way reactive oxygen species react. The DNA repairing process helps in protecting the genomic integrity of the spermatogenic cells. Sometimes there is a chance of deficiency in the formation of enough number of required enzymes. The enzymes which are produced in the process might affect the rate of fertility sometimes. Therefore it cannot be certainly said that the procedure this repairing process is good in both ways because while producing the enzyme the process might end up in infertility.
The function of the tubules is to produce sperm. It also has a tendency to maintain the sperm and thereafter stores it. When the process of cell division called meiosis takes place the seroti cells which are responsible for lining the seminiferous tubules another transformation takes place and that is the procedure of differentiation which reforms to be transformed into sperm. Since they are situated within the testes they again are placed at the particular place for meiosis to happen within. That place is created for the production of male gametes that are called spermatozoa. The epithelium that is contained within the tubule is responsible for bearing a specific kind of sustentacular cell. This cell is also known as Sertoli cells. These cells are tall in shape and exist in a columnar form that in cumulative way ultimately help in lining of the tubule.
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