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ENG110 English Linguistics

Northwestern Michigan College

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ENG110 English Linguistics
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    Northwestern Michigan College

 This assignment is based on this video You will complete a table with discussion and examples of the accomplishments and challenges of an individual’s oral language. The information that you include should be complete, accurate, and well-written. The table consists of the following areas for both accomplishments and challenges: Intonation, Rhythm, Word stress, Consonant Articulation, and Vowel Articulation. The second section consists of describing the similarities and differences between English and the learner’s language and discussing implications for teaching. This is the table that you will be filling in and submitting EASTERN TIME

Write out word-for-word what the student in your video clip says. If your video clip is longer than 2 minutes, write out only the first 2 minutes of the video. Follow the example in the Phonology workshop of “Clive”.

Hey guys, ah...I’m Brazilian and i am considering go to the United States.

I have always wanted to know United States and the United States people an...

But I may not sure about my English how good is my English right now.

 Ah…of course, I improved my English.

I have been studying English by the past five years aa...

But I actually I never talking before a North American.  

Had a had a to hide my fault you know.

And I am study English by YouTube watching to some mo… watching to some movies without subtitles.

Listening to some musics. I love a American musics and reading a lot of book.

I read the about five books in English without any kind of problem.

I have a… beautiful vocabulary in English.

I… can say anything I want words.

My speaking is not as good as well. So I wanna know if my English is good enough to go to the United States and have a normal life there.

You Know going to the market paying bill is kind of things?

And of course i will improve my English to the end of… of this year and ah..and after I go to the United States i will keep it continue improve my English.

But, I just wanna know in the meantime how good is my English right now? So please.. tell me in the comments below.

Tell me the truth.

Oh fucking church I rate it and my hair is mess.

I know my hair is mess but don’t worr.. i will improve my.. my hair sure.

Its growing.








**Remember that rising intonation is used for questions (any information that one is unsure about) or listing. Rising-Falling intonation is used for statements (any information that one is sure about).


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate correct usage of rising intonation. Highlight the ending word that has the rising intonation.

1. You Know going to the market paying bill is kind of things?



Why is the rising intonation in these phrases used correctly?

This the only phrases that ends with “ing” and is the only question asked. This question can have unsure information and it has raising intonation.


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate correct usage of rising-falling intonation. Highlight the ending word that has the rising-falling intonation.

1. So please tell me in the comments below.

2. Tell me the truth.


Why is the rising-falling intonation in these phrases used correctly?

Firstly, the selected phrases include the information that the student is sure about.

Secondly, the tone of the student was raised and had a fall at the end of these two phrases.

Both the phrases includes command or request.




**Remember that stress-timed rhythm is used in English where only the content words are stressed. Syllable-timed rhythm is used in languages like Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin where every single syllable is stressed.


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate stress-timed rhythm. Highlight the content words that are stressed in these phrases.

1. I’m Brazilian and[?n] i am considering go to the United States.

2. Had to[t?] hide my fault.


Write the content words you highlighted for each phrase, and identify its part of speech (e.g., verb, adjective, adverb, noun, article, pronoun, conjunction, preposition)

1. I’m: Contraction, Brazilian: Noun, Considering: Preposition, United States: Noun

2. Had: Verb, Hide: Verb, My: Determiner, Fault: Noun


Provide a description justifying why these phrases are stress-timed rhythm rather than syllable-timed rhythm.

The justification that these phrases are stress-times rhythm and not syllable-timed rhythm is that they are regular interval.


Word Stress


Write out two phrases where the student emphasizes one or two particular words for meaning appropriately. Highlight the word that the student emphasizes.

For example, “Carla is leaving Paris” or “Carla is leaving Paris”

1. I have a beautiful vocabulary in English. 



Justify why the student emphasizes this word and why it is appropriate.

The word “beautiful” is an adjective that is stressed to emphasize the sentence.


Select three multisyllabic words in which the student stresses the correct syllable of the word. Indicate each of the syllables of the word by adding a slash (“/”) between each syllable. Highlight the stressed syllable. For example: “mon/key”, “eat/ing”, “ba/na/na”

1. Vo/cab/u/lar/y


2. list/en/ing


3. con/sid/er/ing


Consonant Articulation


Find three different consonant phonemes that are pronounced correctly in the initial, medial, and final position in words. In the first column, write the focal consonant phoneme in IPA. In the adjacent columns, write the word along with the IPA spelling of the word as shown in the example. Highlight the focal consonant phoneme initial, medial, and final positions. The first one has been completed for you as an example.


For help writing the words in IPA and identifying the sound, use the following resources online. 


( EXAMPLE) Phoneme: /s/

Initial: snowed - /snowd/

Medial: system - /s?st?m/

Final: things -  /θ??s/


1. Phoneme: /?/

Initial: about / ?bout/

Medial: people- / pi?p(?)l/

Final: sure- / ???,??? /


2. Phoneme: /?/

Initial: improve- /?m?pru?v/

Medial: thing- /θ??/

Final: say-/se?/


3. Phoneme: /f/

Initial: five-/f??v/


Medial: beautiful-/bju?t?f?l,

Final: life-/l??f/



Vowel Articulation


Find three different vowel phonemes that are pronounced correctly in the initial, medial, and final position in words. In the first column, write the focal vowel phoneme in IPA. In the adjacent columns, write the word along with the IPA spelling of the word as shown in the example. Highlight the focal vowel phoneme initial, medial, and final positions. The first one has been completed for you as an example.


For help writing the words in IPA and identifying the sound, use the following resources online.


(EXAMPLE) Phoneme: /o/

Initial: - /okej/

Medial: snowed - /snowd/

Final: hello -  /h?lo/


1. Phoneme: /i/


Medial: /???l??/

Final: /??/


2. Phoneme: /o/

Initial: /l?t/

Medial: /pr?bl?m/

Final: -








**Remember that rising intonation is used for questions (any information that one is unsure about) or listing. Rising-Falling intonation is used for statements (any information that one is sure about).


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate incorrect usage of rising intonation. Highlight the ending word that has the rising intonation.

1. But, I just wanna know in the meantime how good is my English right now?

2. So I wanna know if my English is good enough to go to the United States and have a normal life there?


Why is the rising intonation in these phrases used incorrectly?

Firstly grammar is improper and the phrases are supposed given that rise in the tone wherever required.


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate incorrect usage of rising-falling intonation. Highlight the ending word that has the rising-falling intonation.

And I am study English by YouTube watching to some… watching to some movies without subtitles. Listening to some musics. I love a American musics. And reading a lot of book.



Why is the rising-falling intonation in these phrases used incorrectly?

All these phrases are supposed to be a list, but they are not pronounced correctly by the student. The phrases also contain grammatical errors.



**Remember that stress-timed rhythm is used in English where only the content words are stressed. Syllable-timed rhythm is used in languages like Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin where every single syllable is stressed.


Write out two phrases in your transcript that demonstrate syllable-timed rhythm. Indicate each of the syllables that are stressed by adding a slash (“/”) between each syllable. For example: “The mon/key is eat/ing the ba/na/na”

1. I have always wanted to go to know United States

2. I have been studying English by the past five years.



Provide an explanation about why these phrases are syllable-timed and what the student would have to change to demonstrate stress-timed rhythm.

Always: adverb

Studying: Verb, Five: Cardinal number


The syllable timed words have irregular interval.


Word Stress


Write out two phrases where the student inappropriately emphasizes one or two particular words for meaning. Highlight the word that the student emphasizes.

For example, “Carla is leaving Paris” or “Carla is leaving Paris”

1. And of course i will improve my English 

2. I know my hair is mess but don’t worr.. i will improve my.. my hair sure.


Justify why the student emphasizes this word and why it is inappropriate.

Emphasize on the intonation should have a rise and fall which is missing in these two phrases.


The word “Worry” is pronounced incorrectly, because due to their native language they tend to ditch the letter r.


Select three multisyllabic words in which the student stresses the incorrect syllable of the word. Indicate each of the syllables of the word by adding a slash (“/”) between each syllable. Highlight the incorrectly stressed syllable. Underline the syllable that should have been stressed.

For example: “mon/key”, “eat/ing”, “ba/na/na

1. U/nit/ed

2. A/mer/i/can

3. Wor/ry





Consonant Articulation


Find three different consonant phonemes that are pronounced incorrectly in words that the student says. In the first column, write the word and highlight the consonant that is pronounced incorrectly. In the second column, provide the IPA spelling of the word in the way it is supposed to be pronounced. In the third column, provide the IPA spelling of the word in the way the student pronounces it incorrectly. Highlight the focal consonant phoneme in each words. Make sure to write the line number to indicate where the word can be found in the transcript.


For help writing the words in IPA and identifying the sound, use the following resources online. 


(EXAMPLE) Word: expects (line 9)

Correct pronunciation: /?ksp?kts/

Student’s pronunciation: /?kp?kts/


1. Word: Music (line 9)

Correct pronunciation: /mju?z?k /

Student’s pronunciation: /mju?z?ks /

Word: Worry (line 24)

2. Word: Speaking (line 13)

Correct pronunciation:/spi?k??/


Student’s pronunciation:/si?k??/


3. Word: Things (line 14)

Correct Pronunciation:/θ??s/


Student Pronunciation: /ti?ks/



Vowel Articulation


Find three different vowel phonemes that are pronounced incorrectly in words that the student says. In the first column, write the word and highlight the vowel that is pronounced incorrectly. In the second column, provide the IPA spelling of the word in the way it is supposed to be pronounced. In the third column, provide the IPA spelling of the word in the way the student pronounces it incorrectly. Highlight the focal vowel phoneme in each words. Make sure to write the line number to indicate where the word can be found in the transcript.


For help writing the words in IPA and identifying the sound, use the following resources online.


(EXAMPLE) Word: clearly (line 1)

Correct pronunciation: /klirli/

Student’s pronunciation: /kli?li/ 

4. Word: clearly (line 1)


1. Word: Hide

Correct pronunciation: /h?id/

Student’s pronunciation: /h?d/

1. Word: Hide (line 7)


2. Word: Considering

Correct pronunciation: k?n?s?d(?)r??

Student’s pronunciation:  kon?s?d(?)r??

2. Word: Considering (line 1)


3. Word: Go

Correct Pronunciation:/???/

Student Pronunciation: /gow/

3. Word: Go (line 1)



Use the table below to discuss some of the phonological similarities and differences between your ELL’s native language and English.  These may be related to intonation, rhythm, and word stress, and/or the consonant and vowel systems.  Within your response, make references to any examples that are evident in your oral sample.  Discuss the significance of phonological knowledge and implications for teaching. Use Avery and Ehrlich (1996) as a guide.


Phonological Similarities and Differences







1. English is stress-timed language.

2. For learning English language, it is very important to know the phoneme and its alphabetic code, as it helps to identify the sounds and increases awareness among the learnings to spell and read the words.

3. Phoneme also help in clear producing the speech of words.

4. The pronunciation errors also reflect on their native language.

5. The number of stressed syllables determine the stress-timed language.

6. The learner’s foreign accent can be determined depending on his native language.  

7. American English language is a phonology of Interlanguage (IL).




1. Brazilian (Portuguese) is generally a syllable-timed language.

2. It is difficult for the ELL to remember and imitate the intonation patterns present in English language.

3. The Brazilian have inaudible accent and grammatical errors.  

4. The English accent of the Brazilian is not up to the mark, due to his native language.

5. The learner has the difficulty to distinguish /?g/ and /?k/ from /?/.

6. Brazilian Portuguese have phonology of BP (Brazilian Portuguese), which creates miscommunication.


Why is this knowledge important for educators?  What are the implications for teaching students with this native language?




The knowledge of phonological similarities and differences help the educators to know their student’s flaws, which helps them to know their students’ mistakes. As a responsible educator the following implications are suggested for teaching native language to the students:

1. Pronunciation

2. Intonation

3. Phonetic issues.

4. Syllables


Phonological similarities and differences help to find the differences in pronunciation. Knowing the differences in pronunciation is important to learn the language effectively.  


The learner's strong cadence/rise and fall of sound depends on their native language. The native speaker finds it difficult to imitate the English language with appropriate intonation patterns. Thus, learning intonation is important.


Some inaudible words are noticed by the native speaker mainly due to phonetic issues, which can be fixed by phonetical speaking skills. The BP learner cannot distinguish between music and music (Because the letter “s” is between two vowels it is pronounced as “z”)

The word “Things” are wrongly distinguished, because of the difficulty to distinguish between /?g/ and /?k/ from /?/. The words are repeated in the middle of the sentences, which shows problem in pronouncing the words. Eg: Movies, worry and hide.


The educator can improve the accent of the learner, by teaching the syllables of words.


As a whole, oral language development is required for the ELL. It is observed that “And” is used often by the Brazilian (native) learner.





Gilakjani, Abbas et al. "Why Is Pronunciation So Difficult To Learn?." English Language Teaching, vol 4, no. 3, 2011, Canadian Center Of Science And Education, doi:10.5539/elt.v4n3p74.

"Type IPA Phonetic Symbols - Online Keyboard (All Languages)." Ipa.Typeit.Org, 2018,


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